딸레미가 호주엘 갔습니다.
지난 9월 중순(16일), 약 10주 예정으로 !!
혼자 간 것은 아니고, 학교의 2학기 프로그램.
공항까지 바래다주지 못했습니다.
아들 넘도 때도 마찬가지였지요.
머??!! 혼자서도 잘 하니, 구태여 공항까지 가는 것도 그렇고 ....
내심 섭섭했을지도 모르는데 ....
다행히(?) 남친녀석이 집에 와서 자고, 함께 갔습니다.
걱정도 되고 .... 부모를 대신한 녀석에게 고맙기도 하고 ....
아들넘 보다는 자주 연락을 합니다.
아들넘은 가서 딱 한차례만 전화를 했는데 ....
딸레미는 벌써 두 차례나 전화를 했습니다.
목소리도 들떠있고, 홈스테이도 잘 하고 있다 합니다.
재미있다고 .... 잘 먹고, 잘 자고, 잘 싸고 !!! - 너무 먹어 살찌고 있다고 ....
이 기본만 되면 걱정은 없습니다.
영어공부에 대한 각성(?)도 많이 되는지 ?????
지역신문에 학교소개를 써보란 제안을 받았다 합니다.
친구와 함께 썼나 본데 .... 나름 잘 썼습니다.
짧은 글에 자신들의 특징을 표현해보려는 노력이 보입니다.
학교소식란에 글이 올라와 가져왔습니다.
잘 지내고 잘 돌아오기를 빌며 ......
Gandhi Free School Have Arrived In Maleny
By Da hye and Soo hyeong
Hello, we are the Gandhi Free School students from Korea. We are in second grade, which is the equivalent to Yr 11 students in Queensland. We are visiting Maleny to learn English and experience Australian culture. Our Gandhi Free School is so different from general Korean Government High Schools. Korean government school students study from 7am to 10pm. This is school time only. After school most students then go to an Academy to study more. They study hard everyday and every night. Students arrive home around 1am. This is the life and situation of a Korean government school student. We think their situation is very intense. They are persevering and passionate but lack freedom. Their goal is only to go to university. If someone wants to learn to sing they usually can’t. If someone wants to watch a movie, they usually can’t. Most Korean teachers and parents support and promote this situation and say “You have to study hard and must go to a famous university”. However, there are also many students, teachers and parents who don’t actually like this situation.
Our school community doesn’t support the government school lifestyle. We are given the chance to discover what we really want. Gandhi Free School teachers help us to find our dreams and give us lots of good advice. Although not all people find their dream, we try. Of course, there are some students who don’t try and confuse freedom with self-indulgence. We worry about our future because we don’t study like general students. When we are in first grade (yr10), we make natural houses with soil. We also walk around Korea for about a month helping handicapped people (in So-rock Island) and have many varied experiences. During our time at school we have many kinds of classes. For example, psychology, philosophy, farming, mathematics, reading a dictionary, science, English, Japanese, Human Rights and Peace studies, cooking, fencing, health studies and learning to play traditional instruments. We can choose for ourselves what we do and we also have to make our own time tables. We really want to find our real dreams. Our goals are not necessarily only university. Every person has different goals. We can learn about community, ourselves and world cultures in the Gandhi Free School.
We are now in second grade, and as part of our school curriculum we come to Maleny and study at Gandhi School Australia, for 10 weeks to learn and experience Australian culture. Maleny is a very clean, quiet place. It’s a really beautiful village. We are glad to come here. We think we are very lucky. We study in Crystal Waters and live in home-stays with Maleny families. It is very interesting and very nice to experience Australian family life. Home-stay families are so friendly and kind, and they support our experience and help us learn English. Crystal Waters is so natural and very clean. We are studying English, Australian Culture, Guitar, Well-being, African Dance & Percussion. Soon we are going to Fraser Island for camping. We will have a performance night towards the end of our tour, on 15th November. We will make some Korean Food and put on a performance. We have prepared for this in Korea! Let us celebrate together and enjoy it. We’ll advertise soon to let you know more details. Everyone is welcome!
If you would like to know more about Gandhi School Australia visit our website on www.gandhischool.com.au
[중앙대학 서점에서 아르바이트 하던 딸/고1때]
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